Thursday 19 August 2010

Grandparent Duty.

The last few days we have been cleaning and buffing up Oakfield, so it’s almost as shiny as Derwent 6 now! Yesterday I ambled into the city to have a good browse around and look for a book called The Rainbow Fish which has shiny pictures in it, without success. However I did find a similar one, so I was quite pleased. There was a deluge of rain in the afternoon so everyone swarmed into the shops in order to keep dry. Me included, as I only had summery clothes on, as it’s been so warm here lately.

Today our grandson came to spend the day with us and practice his newly acquired walking skills on board. Although it is rather like the ‘cake walk’ at a fair at times, when we are moving about, he takes it all in his stride. He was fascinated with his new book as he likes the shiny pictures. He is somewhat vain already and admired his reflection in the glass fronted oven quite a bit. After a snack and sleep we took him on the bus for our dental appointments. This kept him quiet as this was a new experience for him with so much to see. IMG_0022We saw another Fernwood boat ‘Repent at Leisure’ as it pulled in  to Sainsbury's for supplies. We hadn’t seen Paul and Jo for several years, so went over for a chat. They are down here on holiday, travelling with Karen and Ian on nb Serenity, as they come from the same marina.

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