Friday, 30 March 2012

Hartshill to Alvecote.

IMG_0056h Hartshill

Wednesday we set off in the early morning sunshine past Spring Haven Marina There were plenty of joggers, dog walkers and cyclists along the towpaths today.

IMG_0056i  It was a pleasant cruise to the top of the Atherstone Locks and plenty of boats on the move too.

IMG_0050b Old Hat Factory

We passed the old derelict Hat Factory.

Btw Paul, we acquired a new roof aerial for the dongle en route. (picture below left)

IMG_0019a new dongle     IMG_0050a Atherstone top 

We had to stop briefly to remove stuff from around the prop. Luckily there were two boaters waiting to help their friends down the locks. As we arrived before them they helped us instead. It turned out that the lady was a descendant of a boating family from Sharpness, one of whom had been a pilot on the Severn. On the boat coming up was a man who had been on the working barges on the Severn and Sharpness Canal since he was a boy, amazing. It was fairly hot and we were tired on reaching the bottom lock so we stopped for a well earned salad. Then we carried on to moor for the night at Alvecote.

IMG_0107 Tugstyle RavenHere is a picture of a nice ‘tugboat’ just for Dave to help him through his difficulties.


Dave Winter said...

Nice Tug Wozie.

nb piston broke said...

at first look I thought you were drilling for oil