We left Shillingford under grey cloudy skies which got showery at times. Plenty of flow on the river and water gushing over the weirs. You can see just how windy it was by the way the trees are bending to the left and we had breaking waves in places too. At Benson lock we saw a pair of red Kites swerling around. Birds were taking off and getting buffeted around in the strong gusting winds.
However further on it began to brighten up and the wind dropped a little.
It was nice to find out while we were in Mapledurham Lock that we had completed 33 miles already.
At times we drew alongside nb Inca to chat about somethingorother. I thought this little ‘Noah’s Ark’ poised ready for launching was quite fascinating. We about turned to face upstream and pull onto Caversham Boat Services for diesel which was 85p per litre, perfick..
Hope you are enjoying The River Thames - it's a beautiful river. A xxoo
We only had two days on the Thames and it was quite an experience in the wind on our first trip on there.
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