This quiet mooring seems more appealing now that the No 12 bus passes nearby every hour at twenty minutes past. It is roughly half way between Daventry and Rugby making it a popular stop-over spot. We have been putting food on ‘Twinkles’ bird table and a variety of birds visit every day.

It is a shame that Maffi on the Milly M has decided to stop blogging. I looked forward to reading his input on such a wide variety of subjects every day. I am sure there are others who will miss his internet presence too.
So pleased the Twinkle take away table is still doing good business. Spent a few pleasant times watching the birds sample Jaq`s mixture of feed, usually a peanut butter base.
Yeah, it is a pity that he has decided to do that. He said he was in a gnats b's of deleting it altogether.
Something has upset him for sure. At least it isn't deleted yet.
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